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Condo and Town
Home Inspections

Condominiums require significantly less time to inspect and involve less risk to the inspector. Colorado Professional Inspections charges significantly less for Condominium Inspections.

$299 Colorado Condo and Town Home Inspections


Colorado Professional Inspections charges significantly less for Condominium Inspections. Here's why.


Let's start by reviewing what a Single-Family Home Inspection is. A certified home inspector will will spend 2-3 hours inspecting the readily accessible portions of the:

  • structural system

  • exterior

  • roof system

  • insulation and ventilation

  • plumbing system

  • electrical system

  • heating system

  • air conditioning system

  • interior surfaces

  • installed appliances

  • fireplace and solid fuel burning appliances.


In a traditional Single-Family home, you own the structure and the land. In a condominium, you own the interior. The rest of the property is owned in common. Realtors will refer to this as “owning from the paint in”. Meaning, that everything outside of the paint: the structural system, exterior, and the roof system are owned in common. Additionally, portions of other systems that penetrate the interior paint finish are also owned in common. An example of this might be the drain lines. Once they leave your condo, they are owned in common. Typically, you could also own the interior of a garage, the interior of a storage closet, and may also either own or have rights to an exterior porch.


In a Condominium we only inspect the portions that you own.


For a Condo, a certified home inspector will spend 1-2 hours inspecting the readily accessible portions of the:

  • plumbing system

  • electrical system

  • heating system

  • air conditioning system

  • ventilation system

  • interior surfaces

  • installed appliances

  • fireplace and solid fuel burning appliances.


We don’t inspect portions that are owned in common. We don’t go up on the roof, into the attic, or into the crawlspace unless prior arrangements are made. Why should you pay for what you don't need.

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